On Wednesday, Haryana's Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar, talked about the great possibilities for adventure tourism in the state. He did this while opening a new hot air balloon safari project in Pinjore, which is located in the Panchkula district. This means that people can now go on exciting hot air balloon rides in the beautiful area, which can be a fantastic adventure for locals and tourists. This project aims to promote tourism and offer a unique way to experience the beauty of Haryana.
The new initiative is not just about adding a fresh appeal to the region but also has the potential to generate jobs. Chief Minister Khattar expressed this while riding in the hot air balloon, accompanied by Assembly Speaker Gian Chand Gupta and Tourism Minister Kanwar Pal. This project aims to create employment opportunities, which means it can bring new jobs to the area while giving it a unique identity.
Pinjore-Kalka in the Panchkula region is often seen as the entrance to Himachal Pradesh, and it has significant tourism possibilities. Chief Minister Khattar highlighted this fact, indicating that this area serves as a gateway to Himachal Pradesh and holds vast tourism potential. This new hot air balloon safari project can help attract more tourists and boost the local economy.
To ensure the sustainability of the hot air balloon nature safari project, Chief Minister Khattar announced that the state government will offer a grant of ?72 lakhs to the operating company over a span of two years, as Viability Gap Funding (VGF). The company has set the price at ?13,000 per person per ride for tourists. This support from the government will help make the project financially viable while offering tourists an exciting and memorable experience in Haryana.
After the Pinjore event, Chief Minister Khattar also inaugurated water and adventure sports activities at Hathnikund Barrage in the Yamunanagar district. This expansion of recreational opportunities showcases the commitment to promoting tourism and adventure in Haryana, making it an even more attractive destination for visitors seeking outdoor experiences.
CM Manohar Lal Khattar posted on X in Hindi, Khattar, "Tourists are welcome in Haryana. We have done unprecedented work in the last nine years to put Haryana on the tourism map. he shared the two tweets and photos giving information about both inaugurations.